anyone online?

This forum is for any general discussions related to Magestorm.

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anyone online?

Postby ChampMan » 7:01 pm, Fri Aug 25, 2017

lets pump !!

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Re: anyone online?

Postby Jordansolo » 10:53 am, Sun Aug 27, 2017

People check the forums but that seems to be about it. Sometimes I see an FFA, but I prefer normal mode (biasing pools, shrining, ect.) This game is fun and will always have potential to get players. The problem is, we need a decent number of players to make shrining fun. I think the game needs to remove levels 1-30 and focus on balancing a few levels since !levelup is in place (which is a great idea because leveling and playing under leveled sucks unless if there are a lot of people playing). Balance a low, mid, and high tier. And then schedule events so people know when others will be on. Another problem is having too many clerics on one team or a magestack. !autopick would fix this problem and be huge for getting events going quickly.

To me, the most fun aspects of the game are weaving spells and balancing mana and ley, and I think that's part of what makes this game unique. Mixing up the way you use bolts, balls, walls, signs, and other spells to get the best combo is a lot of fun. Is there anything else like it?

I hope this game makes a comeback again one day. It is a fun game and has potential. There is still a community here 20+ years after it was released for a reason!
Last edited by Jordansolo on 12:40 pm, Sun Aug 27, 2017, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: anyone online?

Postby Jordansolo » 11:36 am, Sun Aug 27, 2017 Voobly is a online gaming client designed for older games. They have thousands of players on at any time playing mostly AoE2. I asked them what their policy is for adding new games and they told me to make a new thread here:

Is this a possibility? Sor? What do you think about this? I showed them these links and they liked the game.
https: //

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Re: anyone online?

Postby Deathrogue » 7:41 am, Thu Sep 07, 2017

Another good Link for 30 Arc

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Re: anyone online?

Postby Jordansolo » 11:12 am, Wed Sep 13, 2017

The only people who know about Magestorm and like it are old balls like us who played it in the late 90's. It's a fun game and will always have potential, but there are improvements that need to be made if it ever wants to get new players (and not just the graphics). Look at PubG, TF2 and CS:GO. Those games have low graphics and huge player bases (way over a million people playing at any given time). I've played them all and at times had a lot more fun playing Magestorm. I get that Sor's Magestorm can't compete with the major fps developers out there: Ubisoft's Rainbow6 Siege, Blizzard's Overwatch, Valve's CS:GO, EA's Battlefield 1. All these companies have a lot of money and employees that really understand how to make a great game (I have no clue how to make Magestorm popular again, I'm just a gamer). But, there is a reason why Magestorm has a following 20 years after it was made... because it is a FUN game. I really believe Magestorm will always have potential to be very popular and appeal to new players. I think getting it on a website like where there are already thousands of people playing games from the late 90's would be a good start.

Thank you Sor and crew for spending many hours working on this game. It's a shame it's pretty much dead now because this game is fun. I hope it makes a comeback again one day. But will it?

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Re: anyone online?

Postby Ayo » 5:21 pm, Sat Sep 16, 2017

MS reminds me of The Matrix. Different parts of the rise and fall are fun, but it always hits a point where everything unravels. While I like the game, when numbers are low its flaws cant be ignored and people bounce. Adding MS to a site with active players should help especially if combined with changes. Improved counters to para, mind, void, and solid walls, along with more efficiency for ments, clerics and mages, so they cast more and regen less would help with mass appeal. Neo...I mean about it?

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Re: anyone online?

Postby Fleet » 3:35 pm, Sat Oct 21, 2017

no one play anymore? -deep

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Re: anyone online?

Postby BatZilla98 » 3:11 am, Fri Oct 27, 2017

I try and pop on from to see if anyone is on, but I feel being on the west coast and a night owl everyone is alseep most of the time.

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Re: anyone online?

Postby BodyOrgan » 2:19 pm, Tue Dec 05, 2017

I just learned about this from the comments on a Magestorm youtube video. I looked up the video because I was feeling nostalgic. Had I had known this was a thing I would have been playing long ago. I think the biggest issue to getting new/old players is exposure. Anyway, I'd be down to play if something could be organized.

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