[Hook64] Version

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[Hook64] Version

Postby Sorien » 3:50 pm, Tue Sep 06, 2016

Tree of Savior
  • General
  • Disabled /rez temporarily.
  • Disabled /ba temporarily.
  • Changesl
  • The following changes have been made to /list q:
    Now displays the quest level.
    You can now specify a min/max level as well as searching only for the same map.
    /list q 1 100
    Searches for all quests available to you between levels 1 and 100.
    /list q 10
    Searches for all quests available to you level 10 and above
    /list q 1 999 1
    Searches for all quests available to you between levels 1 and 999 and are on the same map.
  • Additions
  • Added command: /speed amount
    Adds the specified value to your speed.
    You may need to go to character select, zone, or sprint for this to take effect.
  • Added TableHasValue(table, searchvalue) to Misc.lua
  • Fixes
  • Support for the latest Tree of Savior version.
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